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Re: The VoLTE (Voice over LTE) Ecosystem: 2018 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts (Report)
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The VoLTE (Voice over LTE) Ecosystem: 2018 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts (Report)
The VoLTE (Voice over LTE) Ecosystem: 2018 2030 Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts (Report) |
Let me offer you the latest SNS Research report to you and your team, "The VoLTE (Voice over LTE) Ecosystem: 2018 2030 Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts" Below is the report highlight and if you like I can send you sample pages for your details inside.
VoLTE (Voice over LTE) technology allows a voice call to be placed over an LTE network, enabling mobile operators to reduce reliance on legacy circuit-switched networks. Powered by IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) architecture, VoLTE brings a host of benefits to operators ranging from the ability to refarm legacy 2G and 3G spectrum to offering their subscribers a differentiated service experience through capabilities such as HD voice and video telephony.
First deployed by South Korean operators in 2012, VoLTE is continuing to gain momentum globally. As of Q2'2018, more than 140 mobile operators have commercially launched VoLTE services, and several roaming and interoperability agreements are already in place.
SNS Telecom & IT estimates that VoLTE service revenue will grow at a CAGR of approximately 30% between 2018 and 2021. By the end of 2021, VoLTE subscriptions will account for more than $280 Billion in annual service revenue. Although traditional voice services will constitute a major proportion of this figure, more than 16% of the revenue will be driven by voice based IoT applications, video calling and supplementary services.
The "VoLTE (Voice over LTE) Ecosystem: 2018 2030 Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts" report presents an in-depth assessment of the VoLTE ecosystem including market drivers, challenges, enabling technologies, applications, key trends, standardization, regulatory landscape, mobile operator case studies, opportunities, future roadmap, value chain, ecosystem player profiles and strategies. The report also presents forecasts for VoLTE-capable device shipments, subscriptions, service revenue and infrastructure investments from 2018 till 2030. The forecasts cover 14 submarkets and 6 regions.
Report Information:
Release Date: April 2018
Number of Pages: 279
Number of Tables and Figures: 78
Key Questions Answered:
- How big is the VoLTE opportunity?
- What trends, challenges and barriers are influencing its growth?
- How is the ecosystem evolving by segment and region?
- What will the market size be in 2021 and at what rate will it grow?
- Which regions and countries will see the highest percentage of growth?
- How will VoLTE-capable device shipments grow over time?
- Who are the key market players and what are their strategies?
- How can VoLTE help operators in reducing the flow of voice subscribers to OTT application providers?
- What are the prospects of Wi-Fi calling, RCS and WebRTC?
- What much will operators invest in VoLTE service assurance solutions?
- How can mobile operators and MVNOs capitalize on VoLTE to drive revenue growth?
- How can VoLTE help operators in refarming their 2G and 3G spectrum assets?
- What is the status of international roaming and VoLTE-to-VoLTE interconnection agreements?
- What strategies should VoLTE solution providers and mobile operators adopt to remain competitive?
Key Findings:
- By 2021, SNS Telecom & IT estimates that VoLTE subscriptions will account for over $280 Billion in annual service revenue, as mobile operators remain committed to VoLTE as the long term solution to secure a fully native IP-based telephony experience.
- Besides smartphones, VoLTE technology is increasingly being integrated into other devices including feature phones, IoT modules and wearables such as smart watches.
- In certain technically advanced markets, mobile operators have already begun the process of switching off their legacy circuit switched 2G and 3G networks, as voice traffic transitions to VoLTE networks.
- Nearly all VoLTE operators are integrating their VoLTE services with Wi-Fi calling in a bid to offer voice services in areas where their licensed spectrum coverage is limited.
- The VoLTE infrastructure vendor arena is continuing to consolidate with several prominent M&A deals such as the merger of Sonus Networks and GENBAND to form Ribbon Communications, Cisco's acquisition of BroadSoft, and Metaswitch Networks' acquisition of OpenCloud to offer a pure-play software VoLTE solution.
- VoLTE ecosystem
- Market drivers and barriers
- VoLTE infrastructure, devices, roaming and interconnection technology
- Case studies of over 20 commercial VoLTE deployments
- OTT mobile voice and video services
- Complimentary technologies including Wi-Fi calling, RCS and WebRTC
- Vertical market opportunities including voice based IoT applications and MCPTT (Mission Critical Push-to-Talk) voice services
- VoLTE services over MVNO networks
- Service assurance platforms for VoLTE
- Regulatory landscape, collaborative initiatives and standardization
- Industry roadmap and value chain
- Profiles and strategies of more than 100 leading ecosystem players including device OEMs, VoLTE solution providers and mobile operators
- Strategic recommendations for VoLTE solution providers and mobile operators
- Market analysis and forecasts from 2018 till 2030
- VoLTE-Capable Devices
- Handsets
- Smartphones & Phablets
- Feature Phones
- Smartwatches & Wearables
- Tablets, CPEs & Other Devices
- IoT Modules
- Handsets
- VoLTE Subscriptions & Services
- Voice Telephony
- Video & Supplementary Services
- Voice Based IoT Applications
- Voice Telephony
- VoLTE Infrastructure
- CSCF (Call Session Control Function) Servers
- SBCs (Session Border Controllers)
- VoLTE Application Servers
- Other IMS Elements (HSS, BGCF, MGCF & MRF)
- VoLTE-Capable Policy Control Solutions
- CSCF (Call Session Control Function) Servers
- Regional Markets
- Asia Pacific
- Eastern Europe
- Latin & Central America
- Middle East & Africa
- North America
- Western Europe
- Asia Pacific
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Please contact me if you have any questions, or wish to purchase a copy. Table of contents and List of figures mentioned in report are given below for more inside.
Table of Contents(page number):
1.1 Executive Summary
1.2 Topics Covered
1.3 Forecast Segmentation
1.4 Key Questions Answered
1.5 Key Findings
1.6 Methodology
1.7 Target Audience
1.8 Companies & Organizations Mentioned
2 Chapter 2: An Overview of VoLTE
2.1 What is VoLTE?
2.2 Architectural Evolution of VoLTE
2.2.1 CSFB (Circuit-Switched Fallback): The First Step Towards VoLTE
2.2.2 The Push From CDMA Operators
2.2.3 Towards an IMS Based VoLTE Solution
2.2.4 SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity)
2.2.5 Integrating Video Telephony
2.3 Key Enabling Technologies
2.3.1 VoLTE Infrastructure IMS Core: CSCF, HSS, BGCF & MGCF VoLTE Application Servers SBC (Session Border Controller) MRF (Media Resource Function) PCRF (Policy and Charging Rules Function)
2.3.2 VoLTE Devices
2.3.3 Roaming & Interconnection Technology LBO (Local Breakout) S8HR (S8 Home Routing)
2.4 Market Growth Drivers
2.4.1 Spectral Efficiency & Cost Reduction
2.4.2 Enabling HD Voice, Video Calling & Rich IP Communications
2.4.3 Improved Battery Life
2.4.4 Integration with Wi-Fi: Enhanced Indoor Voice Coverage
2.4.5 Bundling Voice with Other Services
2.4.6 Fighting the OTT Threat
2.5 Market Barriers
2.5.1 Initial Lack of Compatible Devices
2.5.2 Roaming & Interconnect Issues
2.5.3 Limited Revenue Potential
2.5.4 Service Assurance Challenges
3 Chapter 3: Standardization, Regulatory & Collaborative Initiatives
3.1 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project)
3.1.1 Release 8: VoLTE Interface Requirements
3.1.2 Release 9: Support for SRVCC & VoLTE Emergency Calls
3.1.3 Release 10: eSRVCC & aSRVCC
3.1.4 Release 11: vSRVCC, rSRVCC & VoLTE Roaming Architecture
3.1.5 Release 12: EVS & HEVC Codecs
3.1.6 Release 13: MCPTT for Critical Communications
3.1.7 Release 14: VoLTE Support for IoT Services
3.1.8 Release 15: Further Enhancements to Improve VoLTE User Experience
3.2 GSMA
3.2.1 Feature Requirements IR.92: IMS Profile for Voice and SMS IR.94: IMS Profile for Conversational Video Service
3.2.2 Roaming, Interworking & Other Guidelines IR.64: IMS Service Centralization & Continuity Guidelines IR.65: IMS Roaming & Interworking Guidelines IR.88: LTE Roaming Guidelines
3.3 ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
3.3.1 Virtualization for VoLTE Infrastructure NFV ISG (Industry Specification Group): Releases 1 3
3.4 Others
4 Chapter 4: VoLTE Deployment Case Studies
4.1 AT&T
4.1.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.1.2 Vendor Selection
4.1.3 Future Prospects
4.2 China Mobile
4.2.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.2.2 Vendor Selection
4.2.3 Future Prospects
4.3 DT (Deutsche Telekom)
4.3.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.3.2 Vendor Selection
4.3.3 Future Prospects
4.4 Du (Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company)
4.4.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.4.2 Vendor Selection
4.4.3 Future Prospects
4.5 EE
4.5.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.5.2 Vendor Selection
4.5.3 Future Prospects
4.6 KDDI Corporation
4.6.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.6.2 Vendor Selection
4.6.3 Future Prospects
4.7 KT Corporation
4.7.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.7.2 Vendor Selection
4.7.3 Future Prospects
4.8 LG Uplus
4.8.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.8.2 Vendor Selection
4.8.3 Future Prospects
4.9 NTT DoCoMo
4.9.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.9.2 Vendor Selection
4.9.3 Future Prospects
4.10 Orange
4.10.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.10.2 Vendor Selection
4.10.3 Future Prospects
4.11 Reliance Jio Infocomm
4.11.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.11.2 Vendor Selection
4.11.3 Future Prospects
4.12 Rogers Communications
4.12.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.12.2 Vendor Selection
4.12.3 Future Prospects
4.13 Singtel
4.13.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.13.2 Vendor Selection
4.13.3 Future Prospects
4.14 SK Telecom
4.14.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.14.2 Vendor Selection
4.14.3 Future Prospects
4.15 SoftBank Group
4.15.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.15.2 Vendor Selection
4.15.3 Future Prospects
4.16 Swisscom
4.16.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.16.2 Vendor Selection
4.16.3 Future Prospects
4.17 Telefónica Group
4.17.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.17.2 Vendor Selection
4.17.3 Future Prospects
4.18 Telenor Group
4.18.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.18.2 Vendor Selection
4.18.3 Future Prospects
4.19 Telstra
4.19.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.19.2 Vendor Selection
4.19.3 Future Prospects
4.20 TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile)
4.20.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.20.2 Vendor Selection
4.20.3 Future Prospects
4.21 Verizon Communications
4.21.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.21.2 Vendor Selection
4.21.3 Future Prospects
4.22 Vodafone Group
4.22.1 Service Launch Strategy
4.22.2 Vendor Selection
4.22.3 Future Prospects
5 Chapter 5: Industry Roadmap & Value Chain
5.1 Industry Roadmap
5.1.1 Pre-2020: Large-Scale VoLTE Service Rollouts
5.1.2 2020 2025: Building IoT & Advanced Services on VoLTE Architecture
5.1.3 2025 2030: Continued Investments with 5G Rollouts
5.2 Value Chain
5.2.1 Enabling Technology Providers
5.2.2 VoLTE & IMS Infrastructure Suppliers
5.2.3 VoLTE Device OEMs
5.2.4 Roaming, Billing & Supplementary Service Providers
5.2.5 Mobile Operators
5.2.6 Test, Measurement & Performance Specialists
6 Chapter 6: Key Ecosystem Players
6.1 Accedian Networks
6.2 Affirmed Networks
6.4 Alpha Networks
6.5 Altair Semiconductor
6.6 Amdocs
6.7 Anritsu Corporation
6.8 Apple
6.9 Aptilo Networks
6.10 Aricent/Altran
6.11 Astellia
6.12 ASUS (ASUSTeK Computer)
6.13 BBK Electronics Corporation/OPPO/Vivo
6.14 BICS
6.15 Broadcom
6.16 BT Group
6.17 CCN (Cirrus Core Networks)
6.18 Cellwize Wireless Technologies
6.19 CENX
6.20 CEVA
6.21 Cirpack
6.22 Cisco Systems
6.23 Continual (CellMining)
6.24 D2 Technologies
6.25 Dialogic
6.26 DigitalRoute
6.27 D-Link Corporation
6.28 Ecrio
6.29 ELUON Corporation
6.30 Empirix
6.31 Ericsson
6.32 EXFO
6.33 F5 Networks
6.34 Federos
6.35 Foxconn Technology Group
6.36 Fraunhofer IIS (Institute for Integrated Circuits)
6.37 Fujitsu
6.38 GCT Semiconductor
6.39 Gemalto
6.40 Gigamon
6.41 GL Communications
6.42 Google/Alphabet
6.43 Hitachi
6.44 HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
6.45 HTC Corporation
6.46 Huawei
6.47 iBasis
6.48 IBM Corporation
6.49 IMSWorkX
6.50 InfoVista
6.51 Intel Corporation
6.52 InterDigital
6.53 Interop Technologies
6.54 Iskratel
6.55 Italtel
6.56 Keysight Technologies/Ixia
6.57 Lenovo
6.58 LG Electronics
6.59 Mavenir Systems
6.60 Meeami Technologies
6.61 Metaswitch Networks
6.62 Mobileum
6.63 Mushroom Networks
6.65 Napatech
6.66 NEC Corporation
6.67 NetComm Wireless
6.69 NETSCOUT Systems
6.70 NewNet Mobile Communications
6.71 Nokia Networks
6.72 NXP Semiconductors
6.73 Openet
6.74 Optiva
6.75 Oracle Communications
6.76 Polystar
6.77 Qualcomm
6.78 Quortus
6.80 Radisys Corporation
6.81 Ribbon Communications
6.82 Rohde & Schwarz
6.83 Samsung Electronics
6.84 Sandvine
6.85 Sansay
6.86 Sequans Communications
6.87 Sierra Wireless
6.88 SIGOS
6.89 Softil
6.90 Sony Mobile Communications
6.91 Spirent Communications
6.93 Spreadtrum Communications
6.94 Summit Tech
6.95 Syniverse Technologies
6.96 SysMech
6.97 Systemics Group
6.98 Telit Communications
6.99 TNS (Transaction Network Services)
6.100 Viavi Solutions
6.101 VMware
6.102 VoiceAge Corporation
6.103 Voipfuture
6.104 WIT Software
6.105 Xiaomi
6.106 ZTE
7 Chapter 7: Market Sizing & Forecasts
7.1 Global Outlook for VoLTE
7.2 VoLTE-Capable Devices
7.2.1 VoLTE-Capable Device Unit Shipments
7.2.2 VoLTE-Capable Device Unit Shipment Revenue
7.2.3 Segmentation by Form Factor
7.2.4 Handsets Smartphones & Phablets Feature Phones
7.2.5 Smartwatches & Wearables
7.2.6 Tablets, CPEs & Other Devices
7.2.7 IoT Modules
7.3 VoLTE Subscriptions & Service Revenue
7.3.1 VoLTE Subscriptions
7.3.2 VoLTE Service Revenue
7.3.3 Segmentation by Application
7.3.4 Voice Telephony
7.3.5 Video & Supplementary Services
7.3.6 Voice Based IoT Applications
7.4 VoLTE Infrastructure
7.4.1 Segmentation by Submarket
7.4.2 CSCF Servers
7.4.3 SBCs
7.4.4 VoLTE Application Servers
7.4.5 Other IMS Elements (HSS, BGCF, MGCF & MRF)
7.4.6 VoLTE-Capable Policy Control Solutions
7.5 Segmentation by Region
7.5.1 VoLTE-Capable Devices
7.5.2 VoLTE Subscriptions & Service Revenue
7.5.3 VoLTE Infrastructure
7.6 Asia Pacific
7.6.1 VoLTE-Capable Devices
7.6.2 VoLTE Subscriptions & Service Revenue
7.6.3 VoLTE Infrastructure
7.7 Eastern Europe
7.7.1 VoLTE-Capable Devices
7.7.2 VoLTE Subscriptions & Service Revenue
7.7.3 VoLTE Infrastructure
7.8 Latin & Central America
7.8.1 VoLTE-Capable Devices
7.8.2 VoLTE Subscriptions & Service Revenue
7.8.3 VoLTE Infrastructure
7.9 Middle East & Africa
7.9.1 VoLTE-Capable Devices
7.9.2 VoLTE Subscriptions & Service Revenue
7.9.3 VoLTE Infrastructure
7.10 North America
7.10.1 VoLTE-Capable Devices
7.10.2 VoLTE Subscriptions & Service Revenue
7.10.3 VoLTE Infrastructure
7.11 Western Europe
7.11.1 VoLTE-Capable Devices
7.11.2 VoLTE Subscriptions & Service Revenue
7.11.3 VoLTE Infrastructure
8 Chapter 8: Conclusion, Key Trends & Strategic Recommendations
8.1 Why is the Market Poised to Grow?
8.2 Competitive Industry Landscape: Acquisitions, Alliances & Consolidation
8.3 Geographic Outlook: Which Countries Offer the Highest Growth Potential?
8.4 Monetization: Can VoLTE Drive Revenue Growth?
8.5 Enabling Voice Calls for Wearables & IoT Devices
8.5.1 Certification of VoLTE-Capable IoT Modules
8.5.2 VoLTE Integration in Consumer Oriented Wearables
8.6 Operator Branded OTT Services: Implications for VoLTE
8.7 Virtualization: Moving VoLTE to the Cloud
8.8 Growing Investments in VoLTE Service Assurance
8.9 Prospects of the EVS (Enhanced Voice Services) Codec
8.10 Convergence with Wi-Fi Calling
8.10.1 Moving Towards IMS-Based Wi-Fi Calling Services
8.10.2 Future Prospects
8.11 Opportunities for MVNOs
8.11.1 Enabling Service Differentiation
8.11.2 Growing MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler) Investments in VoLTE Infrastructure
8.11.3 How Big is the VoLTE Service Revenue Opportunity for MVNOs?
8.12 WebRTC: Friend or Foe?
8.13 Status of RCS Adoption
8.14 Prospects of Roaming and Interconnected VoLTE Services
8.15 MCPTT over VoLTE: Enabling Critical Communications
8.16 Strategic Recommendations
8.16.1 VoLTE Solution Providers
8.16.2 Mobile Operators & MVNOs
Figure 2: VoLTE via IMS
Figure 3: SRVCC Network Architecture
Figure 4: Video Telephony with VoLTE
Figure 5: ETSI NFV Architecture
Figure 6: VoLTE Industry Roadmap
Figure 7: VoLTE Value Chain
Figure 8: Global VoLTE-Capable Device Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 9: Global VoLTE-Capable Device Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 10: Global VoLTE-Capable Device Shipments by Form Factor: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 11: Global VoLTE-Capable Device Shipment Revenue by Form Factor: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 12: Global VoLTE-Capable Handset Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 13: Global VoLTE-Capable Handset Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 14: Global VoLTE-Capable Smartphone & Phablet Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 15: Global VoLTE-Capable Smartphone & Phablet Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 16: Global VoLTE-Capable Feature Phone Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 17: Global VoLTE-Capable Feature Phone Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 18: Global VoLTE-Capable Smartwatch & Wearable Device Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 19: Global VoLTE-Capable Smartwatch & Wearable Device Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 20: Global VoLTE-Capable Tablet, CPE & Other Device Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 21: Global VoLTE-Capable Tablet, CPE & Other Device Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 22: Global VoLTE-Capable IoT Module Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 23: Global VoLTE-Capable IoT Module Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 24: Global VoLTE Subscriptions: 2018 2030 (Millions)
Figure 25: Global VoLTE Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 26: Global VoLTE Service Revenue by Application: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 27: Global VoLTE Based Voice Telephony Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 28: Global VoLTE Based Video & Supplementary Applications Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 29: Global VoLTE Based IoT Applications Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 30: Global VoLTE Infrastructure Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 31: Global VoLTE Infrastructure Revenue by Submarket: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 32: Global CSCF Server Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 33: Global SBC Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 34: Global VoLTE Application Server Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 35: Global Other IMS Elements (HSS, BGCF, MGCF & MRF) Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 36: Global VoLTE-Capable Policy Control Solution Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 37: VoLTE-Capable Device Shipments by Region: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 38: VoLTE-Capable Device Shipment Revenue by Region: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 39: VoLTE Subscriptions by Region: 2018 2030 (Millions)
Figure 40: VoLTE Service Revenue by Region: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 41: VoLTE Infrastructure Revenue by Region: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 42: Asia Pacific VoLTE-Capable Device Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 43: Asia Pacific VoLTE-Capable Device Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 44: Asia Pacific VoLTE Subscriptions: 2018 2030 (Millions)
Figure 45: Asia Pacific VoLTE Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 46: Asia Pacific VoLTE Infrastructure Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 47: Eastern Europe VoLTE-Capable Device Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 48: Eastern Europe VoLTE-Capable Device Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 49: Eastern Europe VoLTE Subscriptions: 2018 2030 (Millions)
Figure 50: Eastern Europe VoLTE Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 51: Eastern Europe VoLTE Infrastructure Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 52: Latin & Central America VoLTE-Capable Device Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 53: Latin & Central America VoLTE-Capable Device Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 54: Latin & Central America VoLTE Subscriptions: 2018 2030 (Millions)
Figure 55: Latin & Central America VoLTE Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 56: Latin & Central America VoLTE Infrastructure Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 57: Middle East & Africa VoLTE-Capable Device Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 58: Middle East & Africa VoLTE-Capable Device Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 59: Middle East & Africa VoLTE Subscriptions: 2018 2030 (Millions)
Figure 60: Middle East & Africa VoLTE Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 61: Middle East & Africa VoLTE Infrastructure Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 62: North America VoLTE-Capable Device Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 63: North America VoLTE-Capable Device Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 64: North America VoLTE Subscriptions: 2018 2030 (Millions)
Figure 65: North America VoLTE Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 66: North America VoLTE Infrastructure Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 67: Western Europe VoLTE-Capable Device Shipments: 2018 2030 (Millions of Units)
Figure 68: Western Europe VoLTE-Capable Device Shipment Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 69: Western Europe VoLTE Subscriptions: 2018 2030 (Millions)
Figure 70: Western Europe VoLTE Service Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 71: Western Europe VoLTE Infrastructure Revenue: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 72: Global Spending on VoLTE Service Assurance Solutions: 2018 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 73: Audio Bandwidth Comparison between EVS and Legacy Codecs
Figure 74: Wi-Fi Calling Scenarios
Figure 75: IMS-based Wi-Fi Calling Service Architecture
Figure 76: Managed IMS Core/IP Services for MVNOs
Figure 77: Global VoLTE Service Revenue over MVNO Networks: 2018 2030 ($ Billion)
Figure 78: RCS Business Model
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