пятница, 31 мая 2019 г.

Со страстью по льду - Илья Авербух представляет мюзикл "Кармен" !

Со страстью по льду - Илья Авербух представляет мюзикл "Кармен" !
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Со страстью по льду:
Илья Авербух привезет в Петербург новую версию мюзикла «Кармен»

С 15 по 22 июня на сцене спорткомплекса «Юбилейный» пройдут показы ледового шоу «Кармен». Российский фигурист и продюсер Илья Авербух представит старую испанскую историю на новый лад, причем имя исполнительницы главной роли пока держат в секрете. Зрелищное шоу обещает стать одним из главных событий летней афиши: в нем участвуют 80 артистов, используется более 200 костюмов и несколько тонн многоярусных декораций.

Второй сезон ледового мюзикла «Кармен» стартует в Санкт-Петербурге 15 июня. Импровизация на тему знаменитой истории о цыганке познакомит зрителя с чувственной жизнью Испании в исполнении сильнейших российских фигуристов, победителей национальных и международных чемпионатов.

В постановке участвуют Алексей Ягудин, Маргарита Дробязко, Роман Костомаров, Оксана Домнина, Максим Шабалин, Мария Петрова, Алексей Тихонов, Албена Денкова, Максим Ставиский, Владимир Беседин, Алексей Полищук и многие другие. Одна из особенностей постановки — соединение классической и современной музыки. Ледовое шоу поставлено на музыку французского композитора Жоржа Бизе и современного российского композитора Романа Игнатьева.

«В этот спектакль мы вложили всю свою душу. Его будет интересно увидеть и новым зрителям, и тем, кто его уже смотрел в предыдущие годы. Мы внесли изменения в спектакль, готовим сюрпризы в составе участников. В этом году „Кармен" будет полна страстей и новых красок!» — говорит продюсер проекта Илья Авербух.

15-22 июня, спорткомплекс «Юбилейный» (пр.Добролюбова 18)
Подробности и билеты: https://ice-show.ru/carmen/

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четверг, 30 мая 2019 г.

Re: Global Blockchain IoT Market 2019-2026

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Global Blockchain IoT Market 2019-2026

Global Blockchain IoT Market 2019-2026

Report Information:

Release Date: May 2019
Number of Pages: 80

Report Overview:

Internet of Things (IoT) has been progressing on a fast track owing to emerging technologies and infrastructure developments. Most electrical devices are getting connected, whether it is a fridge at home or a printer in the office.

The upcoming 5G deployment is going to accelerate IoT growth. The 5G deployment has already been started this year on a trial basis in selected areas. Indeed, faster data transmission will play a key role in helping IoT. However, one of the key growing concerns is around IoT network security. Therefore, some of the key areas that need to be addressed include a wide range of interconnectivity, the security of communication and safety of data backup.

In the IoT ecosystem, hardware and software need to be secured at the same time. Both platforms and applications providers have been trying to make sure that their ecosystems are fully secure. A number of provisions have been maintained for that purpose. Recently blockchain has started emerging a key technology which can be used for various functions including network security. All major IoT platform providers have already started R&D on blockchain technology for further exploration.

The blockchain technology is still in a nascent stage, and the development work is going on for various industries and various applications. Most of the development work is at a pilot stage and will require time for deployments. The implementation of blockchain is expected to revolutionise the IoT industry by making it more secure and safe.

Some of the potential areas include asset tracking and supply chain, smart building, insurance, inventory management, and connected cars. Meanwhile, DreamzIoT, Ambrosus and Modum are working on asset tracking and supply chain while Concentric and Hdac formed a partnership to work together on the development of smart building through IoT and blockchain. PICC (People's Insurance Company of China) is working on insurance and Filament is working on the development of connected cars. Some companies such as IBM Watson, Waltonchain, Weeve, NetObjex, Viant and VeChain are providing platforms services to businesses.

Key Questions Answered:

  • What are the major issues around IoT system?
  • How will blockchain bring changes to existing IoT system?
  • How will blockchain integration with IoT help industries?
  • Which companies are working on developing blockchain based IoT products?
  • How blockchain can ensure better cybersecurity for IoT?
  • Companies providing platforms for businesses and organisations
  • Security of IoT platforms and applications
  • Market assessment and forecasts of more than nine applications: Assets tracking, automotive, consumer electronics, health care sector, insurance, smart homes, smart industries, smart utilities and others
  • What are the key drivers and restraints of combining blockchain with IoT?

Key Areas Covered:

  • Applications
  • Platforms
  • Cybersecurity
  • Key players in the industry
  • Drivers and restraints
  • Trends and developments in the blockchain IoT industry

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1- Executive summary
Key findings

Chapter 2- Introduction

IoT ecosystem
Blockchain IoT

Chapter 3- Security of IoT devices and platforms

Cybersecurity in the IoT market
Blockchain and IoT

Chapter 4- Applications

Key applications of IoT
Key applications of blockchain IoT

Chapter 5- Platforms and service providers

Key aspects of platforms
Competitive analysis of the platform providers

Chapter 7- Drivers and restraints


Chapter 8- Conclusions and recommendations


List of tables:

Table 1.1: Total global IoT devices 2015-2026 (million units)
Table 1.2: Total global active IoT devices 2015-2026 (million units)
Table 1.3: Total global IoT devices by region 2015-2026 (million units)
Table 3.1: Global IoT cybersecurity devices market in value terms 2015-2026 ($ millions)
Table 3.2: Global blockchain enabled IoT devices market as a % of total IoT Devices 2015-2026 (% share)
Table 4.1: Global IoT devices market by applications 2015-2026 (million units)
Table 4.2: Global IoT devices market by applications in units 2015-2026 (million units)
Table 4.3: Global IoT devices market by applications in value terms 2015-2026 ($ millions)
Table 4.4: Global IoT devices market by type of connectivity in units 2015-2026 (million units)
Table 4.5: Cellular IoT devices connections by applications 2015-2026 (million units)
Table 4.6: Cellular IoT devices connections by regions 2015-2026 (million units)

List of charts:

Figure 1.1: Global IoT devices market by type of connectivity 2015-2026 (million units)
Figure 4.1: Global IoT devices market shares by applications 2015-2026 (%)
Figure 4.2: Cellular IoT devices connections market share by applications 2015-2026 (%)
Figure 4.3: Cellular IoT devices connections market share by regions 2015-2026 (%)

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I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards

David Smith

Business Intelligence

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среда, 22 мая 2019 г.

Zdravstvuyte! Vas interesuyut kliyentskiye bazy dannykh?

Zdravstvuyte! Vas interesuyut kliyentskiye bazy dannykh?

Zdravstvuyte! Vas interesuyut kliyentskiye bazy dannykh?

Zdravstvuyte! Vas interesuyut kliyentskiye bazy dannykh?

пятница, 17 мая 2019 г.

Zdravstvuyte! Vas interesuyut kliyentskiye bazy dannykh?

Zdravstvuyte! Vas interesuyut kliyentskiye bazy dannykh?

Zdravstvuyte! Vas interesuyut kliyentskiye bazy dannykh?

Zdravstvuyte! Vas interesuyut kliyentskiye bazy dannykh?