суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.


tgb6yhn4rfv F'or mild and moder+ate depres_sion,reg+ular mo'derate e'xercise is mor'e effe.ctive than me+dication. -In contemp_orary worl.d depre.ssion occu-rs more & more oft*en am_ong women betw-een 30 ,& 40. When s_cientists d*iscove'red sy+nthetically produ+ce HGH, _it was c.alled as 'eli'xir of youth'.._ Learn why. Those w*ith alle.rgie*s to pean*uts & tree nu+ts –est*imated 3 million A*mericans_ allergic to+ 1 or bo_th. What+ is your *lifetime g,oal? Is 'it restoring y,our potency-! Oh, man it_'s easy a*s A-*B-C! Do you value *your t*ime and money?_ The,n visit our on-l'ine p+harmacy and .buy drug's at ha*lf price. A*s our bod_y cann't s-ynthesizes maxi-mum .vitamins s*o we need t'o take them with -diet. Rem*emb_er! If you under*stand tha*t you ar.e in depressive- co,ndition, you shoul,d take. spec_ialized med*ications. N*ever take 'antibiotics p+rescribed for -anoth-er person o.r share you_r leftover .drugs with* anyon,e. Some.times when th+e effec't from anesthesi*a disappea*rs the *unbearable pain_ comes to t,ake its pl-a'ce. Severe ast-hma att*acks may require +emergen.cy care., and they c,an cause dea*th. 'Watch out! Our r+evolutionar-y pain*killer m,ay also be u*sed for o*ther condit,ions as. determined by you.r docto,r. Heart d_isease usu'ally t-akes 60-70 years ,to develop_, but d_on't forget* to chec+k your cho*lesterol _level! If you _are a ma_n under 40 &_ if sex .means a .lot for y_ou, you'll +appreciate ,the eff*ect of this. drug! The r-ate of obesity* differs, from ,state to state,* whi-ch is proba.bly a reflect,ion o,f various fact+ors. T+hose who refu.se medications ,despite' being in se'ver*e pain are. putting thems-elves ,at risk. So.me common disea'ses ar,e associated- with an +increased r_isk of erecti.le dy-sfunctionin ma.les. Being o'verwe-ight is a risk f*a.ctor for heart dis+ease. It al.so te,nds to inc+rease you-r choleste*rol. 11 studies ,show whet_her GH d+efici*ent patients benef,i't from HGH, replacemen,t in their exercis,e capa+city. Wak+e the beas,t! Let this +night bur- fire in y_our s,oul! This dr*ug will he_lp you make, dreams come ,true. We k-now what+ it mean,s to suffer f.rom high cho,lesterol' leve'l. That's why' you'd better pr*event _it! When you e+at more ca.lor-ies than y'our body ne*eds, you ten*d to gain weig_ht! Ar-e you read*y for- it? If you'r mattress is more. than' 10 years o_ld, you should* r.eplace it with a' hyp.oallergenic ma'ttress., A broad spectrum* a*ntibiotic is use.ful- for treat'ing infections ,that mi'ght be ca.used by bac-teria. Your pen.is let yo.u do'wn for the first -time? Don't* panic! Th,e answer _to all_ questions is _here! Do you_ know, any home rem+edies- or trick.s for asthma?- I can sha're some great t-ricks w_ith you! Di+scov,er the special, asthma d*ietary ,tips you m*ust know if yo*u have .this breathing* problem. 'It h*elps! A 60-year-ol.d *man develops, shortness of bre,ath with, slight ex-ertion, t+hough he ne-ver -smoked. Antibi_otics are +some 'of the most popula'r and widel_y use+d medi*cations all _over the world!_ In the Un.ited State-s, _more than twe*nty two. million people *are k.nown to have asth*ma. A+ weight-loss pro'gram usual.ly combi*nes lots o+f ex_ercises, medica-tions *and strict d'ieting-! Taking this med_ication f,or masc*uline pow+er growth wa,s one 'of the smart'est things I d_id in' my life! 'Antibiotics onl,y work agai-nst fig.hting +infections caus_ed by* bacteria, b.ut not vi.ral infec_tions. Chol,esterol, a che_mical *compound +produced by the .body, is a +combinati+on of fat an'd steroid. 'E-rectile dysfuncti,on i-s not a problem. if you c.hose the rig-ht medicat+ion! I'l+l show you wh.at' I mean! Fried foo'd i_s high in +cholesterol,* but th-ere's no rule, that you can-'t have- such breakfas.t occa+sionally. It's ,a well'-known f,act that old+er adul*ts who suffer .from asthma' have po,orer l_ung function. Er_ectile dys_function w-ill not_ be given a c,hance to ru*in *your life! Hurry t+o buy ,the drug,! Can you imagi*ne yourse*lf livin+g long-long lif,e +without a hi'nt of sex? It's+ impo.ssible! Unf-ortuna-tely, antibi+otics do not cur_e the c'ommon_ cold, flu or 'any other ba_d viral i.nfections. _Sometime+s asthma +symptoms are- mild and g.o away on th+eir ow.n or aft+er minimal t+reatment. *Asthmatics *who stop using' their. attack p-reventer r'un the r+isk of asthm-a recurr-ing. Don't ac.t too _fast! Obesity natu.rally p.oisons my f,amily life*. My childr_en ar+e unhappy bu*t we ca*n't solve- the problem.' Proper use of' a*ntibiotics can ,stop inf,ection and sav+e lives, b-ut you sh'ould be very _ca.reful! Alm,ost 30 million. prescripti'ons a.re written eac*h year* for cholestero.l lowering d,rugs, m-an. There. are bas+ically two ki_nds of analg_esics:- non-narcotics+ an_d narcotics. What, is your wa'y, man?+ When your .pain be,comes unbearabl+e, you+ are ready to p+ay an.y price _for something+ to stop i't now. Takin*g med.ications in ,order to stay_ slim *& healthy is no.t th+at stupid as it m+ay seem+, believe m+e! How t_o find .out how many cal'ories you- need to- take in ,daily to lose w*eight? Th*e an-swer is +here! Not recog.nizing more s.eve,re asthma s+ymptoms, might- dela+y emergen't care and put you. at- serious risk. Lo-wer hum_idity c-auses pollen* grains t+o dry out & b-ecome airb'orne again.. Check ,your travel, route. When y.ou suffer* from sever_e pain, all you -need is a tr_usted me*dication. A_nd I know whe're to get i*t-! Pacific men and +wome-n are 2 times +more likely_ to be obes'e than *men and w,omen in the. world. If y+ou live in 'acute pain-, I think t'his ,information+ can be of gr_eat use f*or you. Tr-y th.is drug out! Learn, how- to protect your +fami,ly from most_ dangerous a.nd life-thre,atening d,isea,ses in the wor,ld! ,Aromatherapy can al*so. help give+ pain relief. ,Check out 'the ancient' natural 'treatment te,chnolo*gy! How much at_tenti.on do y*ou pay to t'he amount of *most essentia'l vitamins i.n .your healthy die,t? Do y*ou know. which foods. make up a low-+cholestero.l d_iet? We c,an share some kno.wledge!_ Fried food is .high in- chol.esterol, but the_re's no rul*e t_hat you can-'t have such brea*kfast o.ccasionally. -Our spe+cial -guest, Dr. K'reuzlange wil-l tell .you everything a_bout impo-tence in. men.! Children+ about 13 yea+rs old can ea+sily gr-aduate ,from abusing. painkille+rs to abus+ing heroin. Even+ childr.en can exp'erien*ce cholesterol pr_oblems., Make sure_ you know wh*at to do in t*his ca_se. T_he main differen_ce of *this impoten*ce treatm'ent is tha+t it really wo*rks! *See yourse*lf! If yo.u give up, yo-ur life will. remain u.nbearable. B.ut if yo,u believe- you'll win *the batt*le one ,day! Asthma suff'erers try t_o escape -big citi'es and ho.t regions in s'pring an,d summer to_ avoid tr_igger_s. The bad news, is tha_t antibiotics, can't disti*nguish _between the ,"good"- and the "bad", bac+teria. Not, all of the people* w.ho take medicatio.ns for a*sthma tre_atment manag-e t'o relief their symp'tom+s! There are 4 m.ale -suicides f+or every female *suicide,' but. twice as many fema*les a+ttempt sui,cide. Why. would your 'doctor shake +his h_ead if your _cholester'ol report s,ays, triglyce'ri'de's high? W.e offer you an u,nprecedente-d opport-unity of _buyin'g cheap choles'terol_ lowering drugs!- For ad+ults in +depression,_ changing habits +in s.moking & al+cohol often re-sults i-n pos.itive affect. Ever,y d.octor know.s his or h'er own 100% ef,fective antib.iotics 'that they advi*ce to fa_vorite clie,nts. O-ccupati*onal asthma *is caused by bre*at.hing in fum_es, gases, p_ollen o'r dust while .on the job. If, yo,ur ancestors prov,ided you w'ith fr+ee tendency_ to o*besity, you sho.uld think_ about this* drugs. It*'s good to l-ive, and_ to k*now that you'*re not -alone. It's even be*tter to l.ive +without pa-in & sufferings,! Althou,gh you may +want .to help your 'child get* well, antibioti-cs d*o no good for *viral infec.tions. Sma-ller r.aindro.ps are efficien-t at clea.nsing pollen 'fro'm the air. So ge*ntle shower .is, best for you.- Sedent_ary people b.urn fewer ca+lories *than people wh.o stay activ.e a.ll their life. I*t's about o,besity! Ab_solu+tely new .medication for e-ffec,tive indoor and ,outd+oor allergy s'ymptoms treat+ment! V*itamin A i.s referred+ to be a vitami+n for +growth an-d body rep,air. It is esse.ntial for *your he.alth! Th,e lesser -known effects o.f o.besity may* include Park-inson's* disease, ,a neurological d,isorder. *Skin c'ontact wit_h dust mite alle.rgen, cert'ain _foods or. latex may trigge*r sympto+ms of s_kin allergy. Do y-ou- know that wo.men ove,r age 20 should h*ave their- cholester.ol .checked by their -doctor. D'on't .forget to* observe a+ll doctor'*s instructions if' you happ*en to get p.rescr'ibed with -an antibiotic! Y+ou may hate' g,oing to the doc-tor, let alon.e asking *about peni+le 'issues or' hair loss.+ So do I! An' allergy* can make you sn'eez'e, itch, and whe+eze. Mos+t people_ with asthma ha.ve alle*rgies. ,Today life gives y-ou a chanc,e to b.oost -your sexual perf.orma*nce and ta+ke care of your hea,lth. We 'are proud_ to of.fer you one, of the mo-st cost-effectiv'e an,d popular .vitamin_ complexes for ad_ults.. In some ,cases, ere_ctile dysfunction .may be an* early_ signal of' heart ,or blood vessel, diseas'e. In the Unite'd State_s, more ,than twenty t.wo million_ peopl*e are known+ to have ast'hma. W.omen over 45 a.re more and *more of'ten aff'ected by high' cholesterol 'levels. Th.ink, it over today+! One of t+he most c,ommon allerg'y causes+ is her*editary fac+tor! Check yo-ur fam'ily history no-w! It's -time to forget _abou't seasonal d.epression, if .on'ly you don't li,ke it to be _miserable an.d irri+table,! Men are ofte'n confu+sed and a litt-le emba+rrassed a+bout their very' pers+onal health -care issues. Ho+w long a+re you go+ing to g,rieve d'eeply for yo_ur lost pote*ncy? It's tim.e to take* real m+easures! Asth.ma causes rec+urr,ing periods o'f wheezing, s*hortnes-s of breath, -and ches,t tightne+ss. Every ma'n want*s to have ultim'ate- sexual power+ as long _as possible. ,But li_fe is tricky-! Antibi+otics will no,t cure. viral illnesse*s, such _as: colds or ,flu, most co.ugh*s and bronch'itis. The value+ of 'eating a foo,d to maint+ain health w,as recogniz-ed lo,ng before vitam.ins w+ere identifie-d. I_f you've been diag*nosed as b'eing at r*isk fo_r high chol,esterol, adhere. to 'doctor's recomm*endations. +Many+ men, l*ike many women, nee-d direct .manual_ or oral _stimulation .for th-e penis t*o become hard*. Do you be-lieve t'hat numerous peop'le with de.pression *never- go to a me_ntal he'alth professional'. S.evere unkno+wn infections o+ften can+ be treated o.nly wit'h a combination' of' powerful an'tibiotics! B-etwee-n 80 and 90 %o,f people wit.h depre*ssion res.pond positiv'ely to treatm_en_t, if it's +timely. Painkiller-s block pa.in recept+ors in t+he bra*in and alleviate. the s-ensation of pai-n in t*he body. In _humans ,there are 13 v-ita,mins: 4 fat-solu-ble (A, D*, E and K) ,and 9+ water-soluble+ (8 B and C)+. People ge't aff,ected by' asthma .in different- ways. A.nd they requ+ire differe*nt ways o,f treatment.- In antibiotics+ produc-tion the- most i-mportant thing* is to he-lp peop_le combat all bac+ter.ial infections. Me'n aged 4'5 or old_er and. women after _55 yea,rs are at inc_reased risk+ of high chol*estero'l. At what age+ do you_ suppose' to lose your s'exua'l power and start' y'our never-ending st+ruggl_e? How do y+ou think. what i,s the idea women ,have abou.t me+n with impo-tence? Yo-u better s*tay unaware! Famil*y is_ possible wit'hout sex _but is more li-ke. community. It i+s sad but man_y p,eople liv,e like that. Di+fferen.t types o'f bacteria s*urround u*s everywhere a,ll the time.- It. is hard to av+oid i,nfections. ,This week we* have a su,rprise for yo*u! We of*fer you -to buy 'brand new a.ntibiotic a*t half price. only! .Super bac-teria easily resi'st the first' line of d+efense f*rom' antibiotics l'ike amoxicillin_ and ot,her. Hum*an growth hormo.ne the'rapy i+s the fountain of+ youth, t,he an,ti-aging 'solution cre,ated rig_ht for you. Wome*n tend to ea't much s_weet an-d fatty ,food when they- are depre+ssed. Th_e first ,steps to obesi_ty. Ev+ery one in fiv,e Ameri-can teens h,as unhea'lthy cholestero+l levels*, and 'risk for hea.rt dise.ase. Learn how t.o manag_e daily stress s,o that ,you can r*educe you*r asthma sym-ptoms*. This simpl*e allergy ,check list is f_or you ,to make su.re that you-'re out of d.anger! H*urry .up! Antibiotics 'can kill m+ost o'f the bac_teria in your bo+dy that* are sensi+tive to 'them. Good .and bad Your pe+nis size an+d thi-ckness can b.e improved wi*th. the help of -this brand ne_w As+ian medication! A-llergy trea*tmen-t options var'y from perso+n to a per,son. ,We are proud t-o offer_ you a new +drug! Did* ya know,_ vitamins a+re organic ca*taly-sts. Some of them* are f_at soluble oth,er a,re water. soluble. Y_our asthma ca-n get mil_der if you try .thi.s new herbal .medicat.ion in additio,n to you*r regular pill+s. Many pe,ople repor-t dizzines,s a*s a common sy'mptom foll.owing admin.istration of *paink_illers. Most -natural pain, rel*ievers can_ be purchas,ed without a p_resc_ription and can t.ake awa+y the pain,. Surge*ry is not _the only way ,to increas-e your manhood+ a+nd sexual performan*ce! Try th,is medicin_e! +Preventing* your asthma _symptoms' from getting *worse *is important.' What asthma- inhaler -you cho_ose? Cheap an-tibiot+ics or eff_ective a_ntibiotics?- sound health o.r tempo*rary relie,f? What is 'your c.hoice? T'here is no way th_at 'cures 100% of asthm-a ,cases in people.- Bu.t there're drugs t,hat can h,elp -you! Arom.atherapy is when* cer+tain aroma.tic oils are messag*ed i'nto the in*flamed 'joint to rel*ieve pain. Ha-ve you suff.ered with a'sthma for a' while? Le_arn mor.e abou*t this breathin'g problem.+ Pain can- take- all your positi_ve e,motions a+way. But you_ should not gi.ve up,. Keep on yo-ur struggle'! All your p.roble_ms with sex_ual activity and. pe-rformance c'an be easily' solved, if you are rea*dy for it. -There's_ no asthma d_iet, but- there are sp-ecific gui_delines for. eati-ng well ,with asthma. *Learn more now!. A recent- survey- has shown t,hat pa*inkiller+ addiction som+etime*s comes acciden'tally. Shoc'king! God ho+w stupid I 'was to for.get t+he name of tha*t amazing_ medication 'tha*t helped .me cure imp*otence! Vegetable.s, fi*sh and f_lakes are much he,alth+ier than fr-ied pot*ato and fatty meat-! Tak-e care of' you! Cars an,d other veh.icles r-elease ,different pollutan+ts that+ can hav+e negative eff-ects' on human hea+lth. O.ur special gu.est, Dr. Kr-euzla,nge will te.ll you every-thing about i-mpotenc+e in men! +The lowe'r the cholesterol., th'e the lo-wer the ris.k of getting heart, di,sease & clogging+ in t'he arteries. By* destroying- the b_acter_ial balance, 'antibiotics caus*e stomach *upsets,, diarr.hea or other p-roblems. For +thos_e who h,ave little* patience there a,re medicat*ions to low*er ch,olesterol easil'y & effec.tively*. Vitamins are 'ess+ential fo'r the norma+l growth and, development of ,e_very multi'-cellular organism*. Where doe,s y'our pain live – *in your rig_ht leg or_ in y*our brain & imag'in-ation? It'_s a big di,fference. If t-here're obe*se peop'le in your+ family you s*hould +consider helping 'them w_ith the amaz+ing drug! F,oods that+ are high in' f*at and chol*esterol can cau*se an incre_ase in ar+thritis p_ain. Use _medicatio*ns! We provid'e our custom.ers only *with effe_ctive and .saf'e medication-s, you don't +have to worr,y! Anti+biotics ge'nerally ar,e safe, p_rovided- you use them p+roperly, and fol*low the in+structions. Renal D,isease. Heartworms End.ometrial Ca-ncer Via-gra ,Super Force+ (Silden'afil, Dapoxetine,* Dapox*etin, premature _ejaculati'on) mic*rodox quinine' disulfir.am _Famvir (Famci,clovir) N Nal.trexone- (Revia, De'pade) A_nxiety/Sl.eep Aid left .ventricula*r hyper,trophy Pro-Erex -— Erecti+le Dysfunc_tion, Male Enh'ancement, _Erect_ion, ED, Imp'otence n*appy rash Armour' [armour] _(thy-roid, Na'turethroid, Wes*throid, Q+ualitest, ,armour thyro+id) Colo-n Clean Sup,reme catapre.s me,loxicam Arcoxia. [arcoxia*] (Etorico'xib, Al,gix, Tauxi_b, pain) ales_se (ov,ral l) impri 'Hyponatremia i,tchy eyes' ketipino-r Ant.iconvuls'ant Lean Tea — Ay-urved*a, Weight Loss, O_be'sity Ofloxacin [*oflo.xacin] (Floxin, E'xocine, *Flobacin, -Floxal, Flo*xstat, Nove+cin, Oflin+, O_flo, Oflo,dura, Oflox, T*aravid*, Tarivid, Zan_ocin) Kid+ney Tran,splant Pher*omone Perfume f_or Women —' Aph'rodisiac Tr,iamterene* [triamter,ene] (dyre-nium, Benzthi-azide), flexin cont.inus Clozapin+e — Sch'izophren+ia, Schizoaff,ective ,Disorder, Psychos,is Couple+ Pack ,(Male & Female _Viagra)- [coupleviagr_apa+ck] (sildena.fil citrate, via'gra) Mec*lizine [m_eclizine]_ (Antivert, B'onine, Bon'amine, D*ramam+ine, D-vert-, Univert, Ve.rtin) Sul*fasalazine — -Bowel 'Inflammati,on, Diarrhea,+ Rectal B,leeding, Abdomi-nal Pa+in, Ulcerative* Coli'tis, Rheumatoid. Ar*thritis Atenolo.l (_Antipressan, Ateni*x, T-enormin, Atelo+l, Atend_ol, Ateno, +Atenogamma, At.erea-l, Betacard, +Bloki'um, Cateno*l, Corotenol., Cuxanorm, H_ypoten,, Noten, Note_nol, Paesum-ex, Tenol'ol, Tenopress_, Tred_ol) Herbolax 'minipress L+ovastat_in —, High Choleste,rol, Trigl*ycerides 'chlornitromyci+n Tra,veler's Diarr,hea Rispe+rdal — Schi,zophreni_a, Bipolar Diso'rder, +Antipsychotic', Mania,- Schizo+affectiv'e Disorder', Autism, Tour_ette Syn'drome, Ticks, transplant tri-katu d+eprinol Chr_onic Idiopat_hic Kerat.oconju*nctivitis- Sicca Indometa*cin (in*domethacin, in+mecin, i'ndocin,* indocid, Flex.in C*ontinus, Indolar, *Indomax, _In+domod, Pardelp-rin, Rheu'macin, Rimacid,* Slo-Indo.) all'i Minipress (P+razosin, +Vasoflex,. Hypovase-) mirapexin Lo,effl-er's Syndr*ome Iridocyclitis, Diclo*fenac Topi+cal Gel (Voltar_en. gel, voltare+n, voltaren_ emulgel) +Yaz (Cr_isanta LS) *meclizine A+ltitude Si+ckness Posttrau+matic S_tress Disor.der +thioril Vi+rility Pills wes.throid sure, romance. Hypertensi.on Prometriu'm (Proges-terone)' Ayur Slim We,ig.ht Regulator* — Weigh.t Loss, Obesity,+ Weigh,t Management,' Ayu.rveda Kytril [kytr-il] (granis'etro'n) Anemia Cym,balt,a [cymbalta] (Dulox'etin+e, Yentre've) Lipothin — We*ig,ht Loss, Ob-esity Bi'polar Depression ce_lexa ,Acidity gen.ticin Bact+roban [bactrob,an-] (mupirocin,- Turixin, C+entany) Guduch*i .Pulmicort — As,thma, In+haler seleken M-el*phalan (Alkera-n, Alpha+lan) orapre,d veticol' Aleve [aleve]- (N+aproxen, Xenobid+, Anapro'x, Miranax, N_aprogesic,- Naprosyn,- Napre,lan, Proxen,- Synf.lex, pain) Super -Antio.x GSE Ep+ivir (Lamivudin-e, Zeffi-x, Hep'tovir) topamax- 6 Viagra Prof+ession,al (Sildenafil* citrate, 'viagra) 3-.41% Su*prapubic Pain _disul-firam trizedo.n glybur_ide ta+peworms Nephropat'hy Norvasc *( A,mlodipine, Dailyv_a.sc, Istin, P.erivasc) *Lean Tea _— Ayurveda, Weight* Loss,_ Obesity' adhd chemothera,p,y opticare oi,ntment Pa+nic Diso*rder Estrace- Vaginal C_ream (estradi_ol, Est+rofem, estra,ce cream) *generic viagra+ parox-etine c*abotrim El'ocon — All'ergy, Ecz.ema Mirapex (Pram+ipe.xole, Mirapexin,' Sifrol) f'osam,ax rebose t-enopress Dysmeno-rr.hea estradiol, valerate' aztrin Spema-n — Sper,m Motilit,y, Sperm Count,- Male 'Enhancem_ent, Fert'ility irreg_ular heart rh*ythm carace Liv..52 .Capsules- azi sandoz me,droxine K.oflet ce*lexa Ear Infectio.n Malaria 'hypoth*yroidism -paesumex Fosama'x (Ale*ndronic. acid, Alendronat'e sodi'um) Mi-crolean (-Weight Los+s, diet, di,et pills) As,endin (amoxapin.e, Asen'dis, 'Defanyl, Demo'lox, Moxadil) na'p_roxen Cleocin (Clin'damycin, D-alacin,, Cli.nacin, Evoclin)+ disu,lfiram sporidex Li.pothin —' Weight Loss,, Obes,ity Lung Ab,scess ra.niclor *hynorex retard F. Famvir —* Genital He'rpes, _Cold Sores+, Shingles,+ Chicken P,ox Galvus — D+iabete's, Blood- Sugar Co-Diova'n (diovan,_ valsar-tan, hydro+chlorothiazide), M'irapex (Pramipexol+e, Mirap+exin,- Sifrol) Joint *Pain Abn'ormal Menstrua*tion di.danosine pro+ti-um diphenhydr'amine Pur_im [purim] al.opecia _areata V.irility Patch [+virilitypa-tch] Armo.ur [armour] (,thyro_id, Naturethroid*, Westhro.id, Qua+litest, armour* thyro+id) Mira,pex — Par_kinson's Disease, +Rest_less Legs Synd_rome colgou,t Derm.atitis +anxiron nef+recil Sta-rlix — Diabe_tes, Blood' Sugar R Reg*lan (Meto-clopram+ide, Maxolon, Dega,n_, Maxeran, Primp,eran, Pylomi'd, Clopram,, Diber*til, Ga-strosil, Imperan,, Metla*zel, Plasil,, Prim.peran) pmdd

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