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SWOT Analysis
Dell Corporation is a company based in United States and deals in the development, selling and support of computers and other products and services that are related to it. In the field of technological industry, the company has proven itself to be the industry leader by being one of the largest technological corporations and has been employing over 96,000 people globally.
SWOT analysis refers to the analysis of a company on the basis of its internal strengths, weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats. This research paper will be focusing on the SWOT of the Dell Corporation and its major standing in the technology market.
Dell Corporation is one of the leading multinational technology-providing companies. It deals in the computers and all its related accessories for homes, small and medium businesses, public sectors and for large enterprises (Dell, 2010). Its products include printers, televisions, mobile phones, laptops, workstations and others.
Regarding its regulatory agents, the company holds portfolio of around 1955 patents and has some more still pending. It also holds several third party patents. The inventories being used at the company are licensed and patented and it has also obtained US federal trademark registration for the word and logo of dell. To maintain its regulations, Dell evaluates all the claims relating to each of its products and, if necessary, also obtains licenses to use the technology. Thus, keeping the legislative issues and regulations in view, Dell has the exclusive rights to its own trademarks, copyrights, patents, etc. furthermore, the company includes government regulations such as anti-trust regulatory activities, radiofrequency emission regulatory activities, export and import regulatory activities, etc.
Technology is the driving force behind Dell Corporation and satisfied customers are its priority. Thus, in today's era of competition, the company has to catch up with the fast pace of technological, economical and social changes. It has to keep up with the changing needs of customers from handsets to smart phones and from desktops to notebooks and tablets. It has adapted advance and reliable software to manage its administration, innovative techniques of producing latest technology and has a strong technological base as the integral part of organization and administration. The sales and marketing of the company's products is done through direct marketing, telemarketing and web-portals, whichever is necessary to meet the changing demands and growing needs of its customers.
The supply-chain operations of the company are also systematically managed and maintained. It has administered its SCM such that it plans orders every two hours and signals suppliers so that its delivery and manufacturing exactly meets the requirements of the customers. It has implemented its own DSi2 SCM system which ensures fast and reliable services managing around 250 suppliers and delivering 3500 parts. The supply chain resources of Dell are known to be the distinctive key competitive differentiators for the company. Moving away from Unix, Dell has adapted and integrated Power Edge servers which run Oracle database 10g with Oracle Real Application clusters. This technology has helped the organization reach heights through its support for SCM functions such as procurement, accounts payable, inventory, material-cost management, etc.
Dell Corporation: SWOT Analysis
The Dell Corporation is indeed one of the largest companies in the world of technology. Besides the strengths and opportunities that it has in the corporate sector, the company is also countering harsh threats and has got weaknesses to cover up. The SWOT of Dell Corporation is given below:-
Able to introduce latest technology and gain competitive advantage
Cost-effective SCM system gives the company economies of scale
Provides the customers reliable and top-notch services
The customizations and complexity of Dell's technology is sometimes a problem for domestic users
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