Professional writers of personal
5 Tips for Writing a Personal Statement
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1. Write what you can offer the university, not what they can offer you
2. Have a logical tie to all your selling points
3. Cut out adverbs such as Really, Significantly, Very. Sentences sound stronger w/o them.
4. Be different in a good way, don't be afraid to show your individuality.
5. Be Honest, don't use excuses for holes in your transcript, man up and say you made mistakes.
Bonus: Add a couple lines of light humor in your personal statement, it'll set you apart, and the reader will enjoy reading your statement more. If you love my videos, show some love by donating.
Shmuel пишет: @Matt hey i love your videos by the way but i was wondering what do you think about a physics degree and what do you feel about engineering technology. Engineered Truth пишет: uni is really not that strenuous if you have self-discipline, It should only be about 25 ~ 40 hrs a week of work, At one pt I was taking max units and I still only had about 35 hrs of work (lecture + hw). I'll think about what I can say about self-discipline, thanks for the potential idea. Since you said Uni, I believe you're from Aus. I live in the US, so I'm only familiar with US deadlines. Branndon Mariscal пишет: Does a personal statement even really matter when transferring? lol Leyla Hamidova пишет: Can I send my motivation for your review ?) Engineered Truth пишет: engineers and scientist don't normally work together. different companies or dept. Archel Arindaeng пишет: count in chinese (✿◠‿◠) lerox22 пишет: Hi i was wondering if you ever worked with scientist during your career and if you have how did scientist and engineers interact in the workforce. self dev пишет: You are an intelligent dude, you are definitely helping me a great deal! I had a few questions: - How do you cope with 70-85 hour work weeks in university? I've heard it varies from each Uni, but I am planning on going to UBC, which is pretty rigorous I hear. Make a video on self-discipline! -Holy shit, when is the general cut off for entering/applying a transfer program? I am not ready to apply yet (Few courses that I have still not completed) Christopher Shreeve пишет: Hey Matt, is physics a good major? Also, what kind of things do you recommend to do during summer break? P.S. I'm a freshman. Engineered Truth пишет: I offer 1on1 academic and career help for $40 a session. Engineered Truth пишет: of course it does lol Angel DiGregorio пишет: My son is applying for a high school for Engineering and Science. He has to write a personal statement why is wants to go. Also he 2nd choice is homeland Security. Please help!!!! Banana Jack пишет: great tips man. i've never heard these before, its gonna help when i transfer SDcman23 пишет: VIDEO IDEA: How to figure out what you have an aptitude for/ what time of engineering to get into. Maybe you've noticed x type of people enjoy or are really good at y types of careers/types of engineering. Engineered Truth пишет: what's a motivation? ZuoCruz пишет: another great video; I'll be coming back to this when I want to transfer in the future Thanks brah Thundercat1115 пишет: Have you done any videos on the ACT? And where did you go to college? lhengt пишет: "Don't speak like the best one, they know you not"- perfectly hit the point, except u're really the best 1. Like ur words, and thank for ur video. Daniel Sixta пишет: Please do a Chemical Engineering video. Tasanm5 пишет: Can you make a video about biological or biomedical engineering? I also wanted to know the benefits of applying early for college. This was a great video. I will definitely use use these tips. Shmuel пишет: @Matt hey i love your videos by the way but i was wondering what do you think about a physics degree and what do you feel about engineering technology. Engineered Truth пишет: uni is really not that strenuous if you have self-discipline, It should only be about 25 ~ 40 hrs a week of work, At one pt I was taking max units and I still only had about 35 hrs of work (lecture + hw). I'll think about what I can say about self-discipline, thanks for the potential idea. Since you said Uni, I believe you're from Aus. I live in the US, so I'm only familiar with US deadlines. Branndon Mariscal пишет: Does a personal statement even really matter when transferring? lol Leyla Hamidova пишет: Can I send my motivation for your review ?) Engineered Truth пишет: engineers and scientist don't normally work together. different companies or dept. Archel Arindaeng пишет: count in chinese (✿◠‿◠) lerox22 пишет: Hi i was wondering if you ever worked with scientist during your career and if you have how did scientist and engineers interact in the workforce. self dev пишет: You are an intelligent dude, you are definitely helping me a great deal! I had a few questions: - How do you cope with 70-85 hour work weeks in university? I've heard it varies from each Uni, but I am planning on going to UBC, which is pretty rigorous I hear. Make a video on self-discipline! -Holy shit, when is the general cut off for entering/applying a transfer program? I am not ready to apply yet (Few courses that I have still not completed) Christopher Shreeve пишет: Hey Matt, is physics a good major? Also, what kind of things do you recommend to do during summer break? P.S. I'm a freshman. Engineered Truth пишет: I offer 1on1 academic and career help for $40 a session. Engineered Truth пишет: of course it does lol Angel DiGregorio пишет: My son is applying for a high school for Engineering and Science. He has to write a personal statement why is wants to go. Also he 2nd choice is homeland Security. Please help!!!! Banana Jack пишет: great tips man. i've never heard these before, its gonna help when i transfer SDcman23 пишет: VIDEO IDEA: How to figure out what you have an aptitude for/ what time of engineering to get into. Maybe you've noticed x type of people enjoy or are really good at y types of careers/types of engineering. Engineered Truth пишет: what's a motivation? ZuoCruz пишет: another great video; I'll be coming back to this when I want to transfer in the future Thanks brah Thundercat1115 пишет: Have you done any videos on the ACT? And where did you go to college? lhengt пишет: "Don't speak like the best one, they know you not"- perfectly hit the point, except u're really the best 1. Like ur words, and thank for ur video. Daniel Sixta пишет: Please do a Chemical Engineering video. Tasanm5 пишет: Can you make a video about biological or biomedical engineering? I also wanted to know the benefits of applying early for college. This was a great video. I will definitely use use these tips.
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